Birds at MCBA meetings

The Minnesota Companion Bird Association (MCBA) has long been committed to providing the best information and education possible for companion birds and their owners. We understand that many of our members take great pleasure in bringing their birds to MCBA functions for socializing. 

However, we also know that there are many serious avian diseases, both viral and bacterial, that are commonly spread via contact with contaminated products, clothing, shoes and hands, as well as by contact with infected birds. Some of these diseases are zoonotic, which means that they can also be spread to humans. It is a fact that infected birds can be shedding these diseases while not exhibiting any outward signs of illness. Even if birds have tested free of disease in the past, it does not guarantee that they have not been exposed to a virus more recently. False positive/negative results are common in the testing protocols for diseases affecting psittacines. There are few effective treatments and vaccines available for many of these avian diseases. 

Therefore, for the protection of our members and their birds it is the position of the Minnesota Companion Bird Association that avian species in general, and psittacine species in particular, should not attend the organization’s functions. For everyone’s protection we will no longer allow birds to enter the meeting hall for any event. 

The MCBA encourages you to consult your avian veterinarian for further information and guidance about this issue.


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